Monday, April 18, 2011

"It is part of the cure, to wish to be cured."

"It is part of the cure, to wish to be cured." Seneca

It is essential if you are facing cancer or any other chronic illness to wish to be cured. Now all of us would imaginably say, "Of course I wish to be cured, who wants to be sick?" In the act of wishing you are hoping it to be true, therefore you are open to the reality of regaining your vitality. What I'm speaking of here is the wish to be cured and the application of the power of our minds and inner resolve to believe we will regain our health. I want to make it clear, I am not talking about the current buzz word in our society of "positive thinking." This ideology if not coupled with action is useless. I'm talking about being an efficacious part of your treatment and recovery through the projection of your thoughts into the action of your life.

You are a statistic of ONE. Your health, your battle is your own it. By believing in the ability of your body to heal, you accept the responsibility of being an active part in your proper nutrition through the vehicle of whole foods. We are meant to heal by the food we eat. Hippocrates stated, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be they food." By trusting you will recover you will find the right MD'S and ND'S to partner with as you use the most innovative treatments available. By accepting that you will regain your health you will then take an active part in your process of healing. This is the true application of intentional thinking.

James Allen stated, "If you would perfect your body, guard your mind. If you would renew your body, beautify your mind." This is a place of empowerment. It is understandable that when faced with cancer one would feel helpless. But a place where you have complete control is this, you control what food you choose to eat...And what you choose to think. And what you choose to put in your body will either improve the vitality and ability of your body to kill cancer cells or it will feed them. What you choose to think and accept as truth will either empower you on this journey or weaken you. This is the place where your true power dwells, this is where your strength is born. Set your boundaries, get around people that will encourage you, find the treatment that works for you, trust your instincts. Stay in the truth that your body when given the building blocks it needs has the power to flourish and heal itself.

Come see us at The Wellness Kitchen. You will find nothing but encouragement and compassion here. We are here to provide the education and partnership you deserve. Truly from our heart we care about you and your health and wellness....And as always this is Sarah encouraging you to eat peacefully....

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