Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The soul should always stand ajar....

"The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience." Emily Dickinson

For the most part I would say we live our lives just getting by, merely surviving. If I were to sit and ponder how many times this week I opened my soul up to all of the life abounding around me, it would not have been as frequent as it should. When was the last time you did something just for the simple reason that it was fun? When was the last time you did something that had absolutely no other purpose than enjoyment or pleasure? When going through the normal day-to-day activities that demand our time and effort, it is a challenge to find time to play. We all knew how to play as children, but somewhere along our path most of us have lost our ability to imagine and wonder. Now if you were to add on top of life's demands a chronic illness, I would venture to say it would be even more difficult to accomplish this. It takes great courage to be still, amidst all life's trials and find our joy. Amelia Earhart states, “Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace." So through it all, we have to muster up all the courage we have, to look at our lives and determine what stays and what goes and rid our lives of unnecessary things that only take from our souls and add nothing in return.

It is vital to our growth and happiness to find things that engage our ability to wonder. What is that for you? Is it painting, writing or reading a good book? Is it cooking, meditating or walking? There are countless ways to balance ourselves and the challenge of finding what that is for you is well worth the effort. If we are not here to enjoy life and grow, I would ask what are we here for? Are we to give up these things that bring us joy because of our struggles? Or does it make more sense that we should increase what it is that fill us up while walking through our deserts?

At The Wellness Kitchen there are "ecstatic experiences" around every corner to engage the senses. We are creatures with five senses for an important reason: to enjoy life in all different kinds of ways. The sound of the waterfalls nestled under our gazebo in our garden might be what you need. The smell of the body-nurturing food being cooked with loving hands in the kitchen might speak to you. Relaxing on our porch, sipping our delicious healing tea while watching the leaves fall might soothe your soul. The softness of a warm blanket on your skin, while lounging on our couches by the fireplace might comfort you. Or maybe someone to talk to might be what you need. It is our joy at The Wellness Kitchen to not only supply you with healthy nourishing food; this is a safe haven for you. It is important while dealing with a health challenge that you find a place that is your own. A place where you can find your joy and peace. A place that understands and is sensitive to your needs. That is why we are here. Come rest at The Wellness Kitchen. Make this your special place just for you to find your "ecstatic experience." And as always, this is Sarah encouraging you to eat peacefully.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Live Life Abundantly....

Our lives will never be perfect, but in that imperfection we can live our lives in abundance, through the acting out of our thankfulness.

We all face an array of different challenges. For some of us it is the struggle of finding clean water to drink everyday. For others it is attempting to get nutrition into our bodies, though nauseous from chemotherapy. In all the countless struggles we face as human beings, we have the choice to find hope and a reason to be thankful. Emily Dickinson said," Hope is the thing with feathers-that perches in the soul." This statement, if taken to heart and applied, can enhance all of our lives.

As we enter into this holiday week of "thanksgiving" I have personally been looking inward to acknowledge my own countless blessings. And attempting to live out my gratitude through showing love towards others. We do not give thanks because things are exactly the way they should be. We give thanks in most part because it is good for us. Being thankful and positive lifts our spirits, our psyche and the natural immune system at work in our bodies. To have the insight to visualize the good and realize the hope in all things, is one of life's greatest challenges. But it yields some of life's greatest rewards.

As this week might be especially difficult for those dealing with cancer, here is a quote from a Cancer Survivor to encourage you..."Be kind to yourself...remember that you and your body need time to heal and recover. The down time you need is more important than the up time you want to get back." So as we go into this time of reflection and gratitude, I urge all of us to rest in our blessings, whatever they may be. Live in the joy of your thankfulness, for that is truly the way to live life abundantly. And as always, till next time, eat peacefully...

With Love,

Monday, November 15, 2010

"Cancer is a weed, you're the garden..."

"Cancer is a weed, you're the garden, and our job is to make your soil as inhospitable as possible to further growth and spread of the weed. The first approach I take is through diet and nutrition." Oncologist Donald Abrams, Integrative medicine of UCSF

Have you ever looked at an overgrown weed rooted in your beautiful garden and thought, "there's no way that thing is going to let go?" But once you tug and pull it out, the soil is just as beautiful as it was before. Cancer is that weed. It isn't that our bodies aren't beautiful anymore, it's not that our "soil" is incapable of ever recovering and being healthy again, we just need to get rid of the weed! It's important to see our bodies as whole. Cancer is not who we are, it does not make up the fiber of our being. Cancer is just a weed. A weed, that if not eradicated, can take over the entire garden.

The most vital step to ridding our bodies of this weed, as Dr. Abram states, is to make the "soil" (our bodies) as inhospitable to the growth of the weed. How do we do this? Abram states, "Eating a wide variety of foods allows you to hedge your bets, as each of us absorbs nutrients differently." Do you know what a Leek is? Do you know how to cook it? Do you know that it is a Cancer-fighting food? I didn't, not until I had the privilege of being at The Wellness Kitchen. What if you could have a tailored diet that specifically fought the "weed" that is trying to or has rooted itself in your body? What if the diet had an array of organic vegetables, fruits and clean meats, that you personally might not know how to utilize in the kitchen? And lastly, but of great importance, what if the food was delicious? That is exactly what they are accomplishing at The Wellness Kitchen. Aside from providing Cancer-fighting meals, they are also infusing love and care into every meal that they make.

It truly is a sight to behold those at The Wellness Kitchen using their knowledge and love to help us all. Thinking of our bodies as bountiful gardens is a lucid image we must hold onto. We must always, no matter what our health challenges may be, remember that our bodies are made to thrive and be healthy. We must do our best to feed our "soil" exactly what it needs to produce health and happiness for us. Come see us at The Wellness Kitchen, sit on our wrap around porch, cuddle up with a blanket and cup of healing tea and relax. Till next time, this is Sarah....eat peacefully.

Monday, November 8, 2010

"The body is a sacred garment."

"The body is a sacred garment. It's your first and last garment; it is what you enter life in and what you depart life with, and it should be treated with honor." Martha Graham

Looking at this quote, I am reminded of the various times I treated my body as less than a "sacred" garment. Life at times can be so busy, our attentions can be pulled into countless opposite directions. And I must admit that nurturing my body properly has, at times, been the last thing on my mind in this high paced life. But honestly, what could be of higher importance? What takes precedence over supplying our bodies with what it needs to function properly; or even thrive? Taking the time and money to give ourselves nutrient-rich organic vegetables, fruits and clean meats, should be at the top of our lists. If we plan on being efficient in any other aspect of our lives, this is a key element that we cannot overlook.

Rebecca Katz, Author of "The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen" states, "The fact is, everything you eat and drink changes the chemistry of your blood. Our cell membranes are lined with fats that are comprised primarily of those we've eaten in the last 90 days. If you've been making unhealthy choices, which include the "typical" American diet, there's a price to pay." This is a sobering thought to us all. Even more so if you're currently fighting Diabetes, Heart Disease or Cancer. But the truth is my friends, we are all fighting these debilitating health issues. Some of us are in the prevention stages and others are in the thick of fighting a disease, that has made itself apparent in the body. At either juncture, it is vital that we use all the life-giving food that is available to us. By taking advantage of the fresh-local food available, we give our bodies a fighting chance against these previously mentioned ailments.

It is hard to navigate our way through the fads and diets, that we are constantly bombarded with. And if we are also challenged with a disease that is draining us mentally and physically, its even more difficult to gather the energy to navigate through that maze. That is why, what their doing at The Wellness Kitchen is so brilliant. The guesswork has been removed. Using their knowledge in natural cooking, they offer their gifts to us. What a blessing it is to have this resource at our fingertips! The Wellness Kitchen prepares these healthy-balanced and delicious meals, ready to pick-up, take home and enjoy. To our friends and family dealing with Cancer and the challenges of chemotherapy or other various treatments, this resource is life-altering. Aside from providing our community with food to order, The Wellness Kitchen hosts some of the most innovative health practitioner's. They come sharing their knowledge through workshops and classes. This Wednesday, November 10th, at 5:30pm, The Wellness Kitchen will be hosting Darya Boland, ND. Darya will giving a lecture on Candida and how to combat this health issue naturally. Chef Nancy Walker, will also be performing a cooking demonstration in support of a Candida diet. Samples and recipes will be available to take home as well! The cost of this class is $50/person, please RSVP soon with The Wellness Kitchen at (805) 434-1800. We look forward to spending a fun and informative evening with you, as we take our health and the health of our families into our own capable hands. Till next time....eat peacefully.

With love,
Sarah Weathersby