"The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience." Emily Dickinson
For the most part I would say we live our lives just getting by, merely surviving. If I were to sit and ponder how many times this week I opened my soul up to all of the life abounding around me, it would not have been as frequent as it should. When was the last time you did something just for the simple reason that it was fun? When was the last time you did something that had absolutely no other purpose than enjoyment or pleasure? When going through the normal day-to-day activities that demand our time and effort, it is a challenge to find time to play. We all knew how to play as children, but somewhere along our path most of us have lost our ability to imagine and wonder. Now if you were to add on top of life's demands a chronic illness, I would venture to say it would be even more difficult to accomplish this. It takes great courage to be still, amidst all life's trials and find our joy. Amelia Earhart states, “Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace." So through it all, we have to muster up all the courage we have, to look at our lives and determine what stays and what goes and rid our lives of unnecessary things that only take from our souls and add nothing in return.
It is vital to our growth and happiness to find things that engage our ability to wonder. What is that for you? Is it painting, writing or reading a good book? Is it cooking, meditating or walking? There are countless ways to balance ourselves and the challenge of finding what that is for you is well worth the effort. If we are not here to enjoy life and grow, I would ask what are we here for? Are we to give up these things that bring us joy because of our struggles? Or does it make more sense that we should increase what it is that fill us up while walking through our deserts?
At The Wellness Kitchen there are "ecstatic experiences" around every corner to engage the senses. We are creatures with five senses for an important reason: to enjoy life in all different kinds of ways. The sound of the waterfalls nestled under our gazebo in our garden might be what you need. The smell of the body-nurturing food being cooked with loving hands in the kitchen might speak to you. Relaxing on our porch, sipping our delicious healing tea while watching the leaves fall might soothe your soul. The softness of a warm blanket on your skin, while lounging on our couches by the fireplace might comfort you. Or maybe someone to talk to might be what you need. It is our joy at The Wellness Kitchen to not only supply you with healthy nourishing food; this is a safe haven for you. It is important while dealing with a health challenge that you find a place that is your own. A place where you can find your joy and peace. A place that understands and is sensitive to your needs. That is why we are here. Come rest at The Wellness Kitchen. Make this your special place just for you to find your "ecstatic experience." And as always, this is Sarah encouraging you to eat peacefully.
Thank you Sarah for your encouraging words. I went out the other day while it was raining. Usually.. The air is still and quiet, but that day, the trees were full of singing birds! I stopped and decided to enjoy an "ecstatic experience!" I stood there in the rain longer than I should have, but I remembered your blog and decided to just listen and wonder :-) It was wonderful! Thank you again Sarah for reminding us to grab all the moments we can in this life, and enjoy!