Monday, November 8, 2010

"The body is a sacred garment."

"The body is a sacred garment. It's your first and last garment; it is what you enter life in and what you depart life with, and it should be treated with honor." Martha Graham

Looking at this quote, I am reminded of the various times I treated my body as less than a "sacred" garment. Life at times can be so busy, our attentions can be pulled into countless opposite directions. And I must admit that nurturing my body properly has, at times, been the last thing on my mind in this high paced life. But honestly, what could be of higher importance? What takes precedence over supplying our bodies with what it needs to function properly; or even thrive? Taking the time and money to give ourselves nutrient-rich organic vegetables, fruits and clean meats, should be at the top of our lists. If we plan on being efficient in any other aspect of our lives, this is a key element that we cannot overlook.

Rebecca Katz, Author of "The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen" states, "The fact is, everything you eat and drink changes the chemistry of your blood. Our cell membranes are lined with fats that are comprised primarily of those we've eaten in the last 90 days. If you've been making unhealthy choices, which include the "typical" American diet, there's a price to pay." This is a sobering thought to us all. Even more so if you're currently fighting Diabetes, Heart Disease or Cancer. But the truth is my friends, we are all fighting these debilitating health issues. Some of us are in the prevention stages and others are in the thick of fighting a disease, that has made itself apparent in the body. At either juncture, it is vital that we use all the life-giving food that is available to us. By taking advantage of the fresh-local food available, we give our bodies a fighting chance against these previously mentioned ailments.

It is hard to navigate our way through the fads and diets, that we are constantly bombarded with. And if we are also challenged with a disease that is draining us mentally and physically, its even more difficult to gather the energy to navigate through that maze. That is why, what their doing at The Wellness Kitchen is so brilliant. The guesswork has been removed. Using their knowledge in natural cooking, they offer their gifts to us. What a blessing it is to have this resource at our fingertips! The Wellness Kitchen prepares these healthy-balanced and delicious meals, ready to pick-up, take home and enjoy. To our friends and family dealing with Cancer and the challenges of chemotherapy or other various treatments, this resource is life-altering. Aside from providing our community with food to order, The Wellness Kitchen hosts some of the most innovative health practitioner's. They come sharing their knowledge through workshops and classes. This Wednesday, November 10th, at 5:30pm, The Wellness Kitchen will be hosting Darya Boland, ND. Darya will giving a lecture on Candida and how to combat this health issue naturally. Chef Nancy Walker, will also be performing a cooking demonstration in support of a Candida diet. Samples and recipes will be available to take home as well! The cost of this class is $50/person, please RSVP soon with The Wellness Kitchen at (805) 434-1800. We look forward to spending a fun and informative evening with you, as we take our health and the health of our families into our own capable hands. Till next peacefully.

With love,
Sarah Weathersby

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