Monday, December 13, 2010

"...Each life must follow its own course..."

"Let me remember that each life must follow its own course, and that what happens to other people has absolutely nothing to do with what happens to me." Marjorie Holmes

There is comfort in our connection with one another, in the sharing of our joys and the common struggle of the human experience. This is a faculty given to us to help strengthen our character, so that we may have compassion for one another. It is a healing force in our lives. But we must understand that though we are similar in more ways than we are different, we are all on our own path.

I can't count how many times I have held myself back or entertained ill thoughts, because of my knowledge of someone else's experience. We do ourselves such an injustice when we embrace this non-truth. How many times have you held an aspiration in your heart and your mind has kept you from pursuing it? How much more advanced would we be as a society if we were to look at our lives as a unique experience, and not hold our gifts from the world because we are afraid of failure? Failure that might not even be ours, but a preconceived law that we have applied to our lives due to someone else's experience? How much more life would we embrace and pursue if we looked at our lives as a daily, hourly clean slate? It's all about perspective; how we view love, how we view ourselves and what we consider to be our self worth. These "habits" are created in our minds. Our existence thus far and our view of others experiences, creates this groove where our thoughts tend to go. I would encourage you to embrace your mental liberty and let nothing and no one hold you back from your contribution to this world. We all have something to give that is of great worth. It is important to our life's work for us all to embrace who we are and where our path will take us. Till next time, this is Sarah...encouraging you to eat peacefully.

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