Monday, January 17, 2011

"If your ever going to love me, love me now.."

"If you're ever going to love me love me now, while I can know
All the sweet and tender feelings which from real affection flow...
If you've dear, sweet thoughts about me, why not whisper them to me?
Don't you know 'twould make me happy and as glad as glad could be?...
If you knew someone was thirsting for a drop of water sweet
Would you be so slow to bring it? Would you step with laggard feet?
There are tender hearts all 'round us who are thirsting for our love;
Why withhold from them what nature makes them crave all else above?
I won't need your kind caresses when the grass grows o'er my face;
I won't crave your love or kisses in my last low resting place.
So, then, if you love me any, if its but a little bit,
Let me know it now while living; I can own and treasure it.".....Unknown

We hear it all the time. We know we should tell the ones we love that we care for them. But how many of us can say in all sincerity that we live it? Each one of us is met when we enter this world with the knowledge that we cannot know the hour, the minute, the day we will leave this place. Let us not get so caught up in our routine. What "needs" to be done. If I have learned anything worth sharing with you in my 31 years here on this earth, it is that above all else nothing is of greater importance than people. There is nothing more pressing than the exchange of love from one human spirit to another. Taking a moment to kiss your child, to hold a friends hand in their joy, to hug a loved one in their despair. These are the things that should fill our lives and make us feel worthy.

We have one another for a reason and that reason is to love. To lift each other up, to show compassion towards each other. And not just the people who look like us, or think like us, or worship the same deity as us, or salute the same flag as us. We are called to love one another, with no bounds. Let us mend our relationships, let us love people for who they are in all their imperfections, just as we must love ourselves in our own transgressions. Let us not be so callused to the world. Let us open our hearts so that we may experience true friendship, true love, true companionship. Love is the best that is in us, let us share it with each other. Call a loved one you have grown apart from, hug someone, kiss someone you love.....I know last week we spoke of Mother Theresa and her boundless compassion and love. And I write again today about love because love is what has kept me and cradled me in this last week. I write these words to pay homage to it, and the effect that it has had on my life. Come visit us at The Wellness Kitchen. We are here to lift you up. Let us learn together how to nourish our bodies, our minds and our souls. And as always this is Sarah, encouraging you to love often and eat peacefully...

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