"The Arctic expresses the sum of all wisdom: Silence."....Walter Bauer
Most of us are afraid of the great expanse of silence. I would venture to say this has something to do with our fear of being alone with ourselves...what may rise up in our psyche and our hearts if we were to just stop and be still? What may we have to face from the crevices of our minds and souls that we have neglected? Confuscious stated, "Silence is the true friend that never betrays." Our society has become so entrenched in the unhealthy habit of being in a constant state of over stimulation. Whether the never ending chaos of SOUND comes in the form of an ipod, a tv, the constant chatter of yourself or other humans, the mental busy-ness we have created can be mind numbing. There is something about noise that comforts us, that gives us a false sense of assurance. When in truth silence is a pathway to self-awareness and peace and true soul guidance.
William Penn states, "True silence is the rest of the mind; it is to the spirit what sleep is to the body..." How can we truly know ourselves or be at peace if we don't pause and listen to our souls? In all honesty we are always listening; it isn't the absence of sound that grants us this opportunity. What is of greatest importance is what we are choosing to listen to. If we are searching for relief or inner harmony, accepting the gift of silence and practicing meditation are the pathways to this kind of replenishment. Most of the great spiritual leaders, Gandhi, Jesus, Buddha, Emerson they all meditated....why? Because they understood that in the act of quieting our spirit we reach a clearer view of life, purpose, and attain sound answers. And aren't we all searching for answers?
Most of us find great joy and comfort when we immerse ourselves in nature. I have found one key component of the cessation that nature provides is the silence that envelops my mind while I'm in it. Whenever I feel lost I quiet myself. In the observation of our culture you will find most attempting to fill silence with words; this is a sign of unrest. It is unnecessary to choke the free air with expendable chatter, let us be choosy with our self-expression and edify our spirits through the analyzing of our communication. If you are overwhelmed or in a state of desperation, still your heart, mind and soul. Learn the tools of meditation and apply them in the form of daily habits, it is worthy of your time. This practice is just as vital as eating healthy food, breathing clean air and regulating your thoughts. Certain productive chemicals are released during meditation that are otherwise hard to attain. Do not fear yourself, do not be afraid to still your mind, this is a deception to keep you in a constant state of being unaware. Unaware of what is really going on in your soul. It is only in the recognition of our soul climate that we can make lasting changes.
Come see us at The Wellness Kitchen, sit in our garden and be still...lounge on our veranda and rest...quiet the constant chatter and listen to the peace of silence. And as always this is Sarah encouraging you to be still and eat peacefully...
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