"Every breath is an opportunity to receive and let go. I receive love and I let go of pain." Brenda MacIntyre
We all share in the expereince of being born into a beautifully imperfect world, to less than perfect family's, to deficient circumstances. And somewhere along the way we all encounter situations and experience intricate relationships that make us feel less than worthy. Our sensitive beings tend to carry pain from our past, deep insecurities born out of our affiliations with others and the environment we live in. But at some point through all the thinking and analyzing we must make a conscious choice. A personal judgement that is favorable for us. A decision to let go...
It is understandable when someone has wronged us to contemplate the all encompassing infamous question... why??? And though it is natural and to a certain extent good to self analyze, this path if not only visited will lead to disillusionment. At some point we must take what we have learned, bravely pick ourselves up and move on. Whether it be in a very physical sense or a mental way or a spiritual capacity there is an urgency in our despair to move forward. This guide is meant to aid us, it is our spirit crying out to us to release what is not meant for us to keep. For some of us that translates into letting go of a harmful relationship, many of us will find peace in the action of letting go of a toxic memory. For some it's letting go of self-destructive patterns we have attained from the mechanism we have created to survive. Pernicious emotions if left unchecked and unrequited leads to emotional unrest which begets a very real basis for "dis" ease in the fiber of our bodies.
Ann Landers stated, "Hanging onto resentment is letting someone you despise live rent free in your head." This quote I have to admit made me giggle, but in truth we all entertain these kind of thoughts, far too frequently. It is only in our realization of our own unique spirit and the importance our gifts have to the world, that enables us to release those people or things that have scarred us. Sometimes joy is found more in letting go out of the respect for ones being than the mining of our past may produce. For in all honesty we all know this one simple truth, life is too short to live in pain and disarray. And that is exactly what state this kind of thinking puts us in. You deserve to be happy....You deserve love....You deserve to live life abundantly. The question is do you believe it?
In the quest for this kind of peace I have started to verbally speak truth into my life. Try looking in the mirror and saying "I love you," "I forgive you," "You are worthy," and pay attention to the shift that will happen in your emotional and mental state. It is of vital importance to be active in our personal daily communication. What can you let go of today that will release you from pain? What can you receive today in the form of love and joy? Ask yourself this question and act upon it. You are of invaluable worth....
Come see us at The Wellness Kitchen and let go of the uncertainty that moving on can bring. Move onto a healthier life, to an advantageoous thought life and real answers you deserve on your quest to health and wellness. And as always this is Sarah encouraging you to let go often and eat peacefully....
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