I had the great pleasure of performing live music with my band for the theatrical debut of "Dreamweaver" this weekend. It was my first true experience with live theatre and with 6 shows spanning a couple days I was exhausted! But during this unique experience I grew a deeper love and appreciation for the arts. The expression of someones mind played out in the form of music and dance on stage was beautiful.
We get so caught up in the daily grind, the mechanics of our society that I fear most of us have lost a great deal of our imagination and ability to revel in "wonder". When we think of art we may think of paintings, music, dance, theatre. But these expressions are all born in the mind, they are the most used the most common ways we as humans find to express ourselves. They are our mind at "play". When was the last time you witnessed something beautiful and let your mind respond to it in the form of art? When was the last time you took a great sorrow of yours and let it bleed out on a piece of paper? So many of us do not allow ourselves the joy of soul expression through art because we have resigned ourselves that if it doesn't make us money or were not exceptionally talented at it that it is not worth doing. This is a great injustice to ourselves. What beauty might come of our culture if we let go of this restrictive ideology? What beauty might come from you? Just as we need air for our lungs, food for our body's and love for our hearts....we need art for our souls.
We have the great privilege of seeing the world through our own unique perspective therefore our art is comparable to no one. We must let our minds give homage by acting out our imagination and our response to life in whatever art form we see fit.
Frank Stella states, " You see what you know." What are you choosing to see? Are you seeing beauty in the simple things? I would encourage you to turn off the TV, feast your eyes instead on something worthy of your time. Great architecture of nature, or the human hand. The smile of a newborn child just starting out in the world. The fields of fragrant flowers and the soaring birds. The great ocean and its crashing waves. The calm river with its bountiful secret life floating beneath the surface. This is the world you live in....We have the choice to see truth and beauty. Once you see something of great worth, say something back. Maybe with a paintbrush, maybe with clay or perhaps with dance or song, or a smile. Live your art out daily because you have the privledge of being human and it is vital to express oneself.
Come visit us at The Wellness Kitchen and witness the art of our 1892 manse, the art of the oak trees or the trickling water of the waterfalls. Become a part of the art of healthy living. And as always this is Sarah encouraging you to live out your art daily and eat peacefully....
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